Guild Wars 2 / Guilds Overview
North America
Anvil Rock
Borlis Pass
Dark Times, Grupo DD (Guilds Dragons of Draezor, Dragons from Draezor and Dragons of Draezors), Legion of the Rising Sun.
Crystal Desert
Sixty Nine Shades of [NUDE], Smaash Gaming.
Devine Wind, Legion of Dragoons.
Devona's Rest
Arcus Pride, Court of Rooks, Skritts Warband, The Madhouse Retreat.
Lunar Knights, Project Mayhem, Shadow Dragon Sect., The Blazeridge Dragons, The Dragonfly Effect, Tuxzyn Terrors, Wings of the Dragon.
Ehmry Bay
Guardians of Lore, Onyx Guard, Phantoms of the.
Eredon Terrace
Ferguson's Crossing
Fort Aspenwood
Aegis, League Of Omnipotents, The Republic.
Gate of Madness
Guild Of Divine Soldiers, Knights of Myst, Shade Warband, The Brotherhood of Symf, The Order of the Moon.
Henge of Denravi
Central Anime, Knights of Pomerania.
Isle of Janthir
Jade Quarry
Ashes, Rune, Siege Turtle Desecration, The Nameless Ones.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Clockwork Assembly, Nuclear, The Crimson Mercenaries.
Sanctum of Rall
Ecto Nightmare, Flux Capacity, Northern Brethren, The Paladines.
Sea of Sorrows
Cookie Stealing Team, Fated, Fell Into Your Shoes, Hope Rising, Late Knight Shenanigans, Mists of Valhalla.
Sorrow's Furnace
Anime Legendary Party, Noobfest, Special Tactics Assault Recon.
Stormbluff Isle
Tarnished Coast
Chaotic Symphony, Comfy Dragons' Den, Elite Vanguards Of Tyria, I Swear She Was Eighteen, Obsessive Completion Disorder, The Chosen, The Mailed Fist, The Mechanists of the Pariah, Wardens of Destiny.
Yak's Bend
Knights of The Silver Chalice, Liars Cheats and Thieves, Republic of OT, Spiral Origins.
Abaddon's Mouth [DE]
Arborstone [FR]
Augury Rock [FR]
Ombre et Lumière, The Frenchies, The Frenchies Kiss.
Aurora Glade
cute & cuddly club, Jade Reapers, Red eyes, When The Night Falls.
Baruch Bay [ES]
Inn Vaeni, Nieustraszeni Podróżnicy Czasu, Salty Savants, Song of Sun and Moon, The Praetorians Guild.
Insanity, Nolani Academy, The Dynasty Warrior, Thousand Lakes Alliance, Twisted.
Drakkar Lake [DE]
Dzagonur [DE]
Regenbogen Biergarten, Teufelspack.
Elona Reach [DE]
Bekloppteneinlass, Die heilige Suche nach dem [GRAL], The Unbreakable Terror.
Far Shiverpeaks
Ametystowe Smoki, Ice Cold Elements, Old Mens Clan, Tempus Omnia Revelat, The Kinetic Hand, Three Crowns.
Fissure of Woe
Fort Ranik [FR]
Death of Honor, Doge Lé Happ, Marked by, The Arctic, The Art Of W A R, Thorin and Company.
Gunnar's Hold
Blades of Destiny, Guardian Brigade, Rock, Paper, Signet.
Jade Sea [FR]
Kodash [DE]
Miller's Sound
Piken Square
Angel Sharks, Myth Andaar, Not All Those Who Wander Are.
Ring of Fire
Riverside [DE]
Ruins of Surmia
Elder Dragon Executioners, Greek Titans Community.
Seafarer's Rest
Aseveljet, Os Lusitanos, The Bulgarians, Ukrainian Alliance, Za Drots.
Jolly Snails Guild, My Build is from MetaBattle.
Vizunah Square [FR]
Whiteside Ridge
Equilibrium, Ockham's Razor, The White Wolves UK.
No Region
[WvW Guild Alliance] Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il, Charr and asuras on adventure, Court of the Mythical Beasts, Crazy Bumper Stickers, Darkhand, Dutch Community Gaming, Epic, eQuinoX, Fist of the North, Fur Eternal, Gildia Feniks, Hawke Company, Moongate Elite, OMG I'm Drunk, Orden der Nebel, Psychedelic Kitty Squad, Questing Potatoes Syndicate, Reddit Refugees, Royal Legion, Seelenverbunden, Survivors of Rhydin, Távola Elíptica Autística, Tyraels Wings, Vanguarda, Where Are My Dragons.