Wings of the Dragon / Guild Profile

Guild Name Wings of the Dragon
Guild Tag [DB]
Last Updated 22nd February, 2025
Server Dragonbrand
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvP
Language(s) English
Location International
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms TeamSpeak
Members 11-50
Guild Leader(s) Diz Fai, Rathloriel, Tabs
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT -8 through GMT +12
Skill Level(s) MediumHigh
Activities World vs World

General Guild Info

Wings of the Dragon is intended as an in-game communication tool for Commanders and Scouts in WvW, belonging to the Dragonbrand server. If you would like to join this guild, please send a message to one of the Server Team members (Tabs, Rathloriel, Diz Fai); you will be asked to prove your presence on the Dragonbrand server before an invite is sent, due to the nature of this guild. Thank you for your pateince and understanding.

You can find more Dragonbrand Community activity on the following sites: 

There is also a TeamSpeak server for the Dragonbrand server, where meetings are held every Friday to discuss the state of affairs on Dragonbrand, and to go over any questions, concerns, or ideas that members of the Dragonbrand Community may have. Please find the information on joining the TeamSpeak via the Forums or our Discord channel.