Lunar Knights / Guild Profile

Guild Name Lunar Knights
Guild Tag [LK]
Last Updated 12th February, 2025
Server Dragonbrand
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvE
Language(s) English
Location United States
Website N/A
Discord Private
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 151-300
Guild Leader(s) Tarun
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT -10 through GMT
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingDungeonsStructured PvPTournament PvPDynamic EventsRaids

General Guild Info

Welcome to the information page giving details about the Lunar Knights. We're glad you decided to check us out!

We do all things PvE, which includes

We also have a Steam Community for event notifications, Facebook page, and Mumble server for voicechat. Our preferred agegroup is 18+.

The Lunar Knights have been around since Guild Wars 1 and started on July 20, 2005.

We only have one "rule" per se, that is, real life comes first. So there's no punishment for having work/college/etc. We're a laid back, fun group to be with.

We started in Guild Wars 1 shortly after the release. Due to the size limit of 100 for guilds and only being able to be in one guild at a time, we were a small, but tight-knit community. Quite often we would help with quests, missions, hard mode, vanquishing, farming, and more. At the time we used Ventrilo, which was the best VoIP client available. While our community was small, we would always have fun doing activities no matter what they were.

Just like in Guild Wars 1, everyone in the guild is helpful and has no problem stepping up to any challenge to help our fellow members. Our focus is community and it truly shows in everything we do. We enjoy running dungeons, Fractals, guild missions, events, expansions, and much more. It is our ideal belief to attempt to include everyone in our events. You never really miss out on the fun! We're a laid back community who likes to have fun.

If you have any questions or any feedback, please let us know.

Join us today!