The Mailed Fist / Guild Profile

Guild Name The Mailed Fist
Guild Tag [FIST]
Last Updated 29th January, 2025
Server Tarnished Coast
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvX
Language(s) English (Secondary: Filipino (Tagalog))
Location Philippines
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 51-150
Guild Leader(s) Lucas Valora, The Drifter, Eternal Pyre
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +8
Skill Level(s) Any

General Guild Info


About the Guild
We're an easy-going bunch of veteran Filipino Guild Wars players who like to kick back, play the game, and have fun. We believe in having a balanced mix of casual and hardcore gamers, and while we are usually open for recruitment, we value quality gaming experiences over quantity of members. We are a PvX guild, and seek to not only master the crafting, roleplaying, and social events in PvE, but to likewise have a firm foothold in competitive PvP. We also aim to enrich guild interaction by hosting regular events for our members.

Guild History
Formerly The Scions of Balthazar [SoB], we got together shortly after the release of Guild Wars in 2005. The SoB was one of the first guilds sanctioned as community representatives by the distributor of Guild Wars in the Philippines, AMDG. For a period of time the SoB topped the Philippine PvP ladder in Guild vs Guild. We were allied with major Filipino guilds including ToMa (a PvP-centric guild founded by the PvP arm of SoB), PNOY Alliance, and The Aguilas, to name a few. Many of our members have gone on to become friends in real life.

Now Guild Wars 2 is finally here we rally under the banner of our new name, The Mailed Fist [FIST]. Merging to form the [FIST] are our guildmates from the [SoB] and our old friends from [ToMa] and [BAD]. Our friends from Tribo will also be joining us as allies on the battlefield!

Join The [FIST] today!