Guild Wars 2 / Servers / EU

27 servers found. Displaying 1–27.

Rgn Server Name Guilds
EU Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0
EU Arborstone [FR] 0
EU Augury Rock [FR] 3
EU Aurora Glade 4
EU Baruch Bay [ES] 0
EU Blacktide 5
EU Desolation 5
EU Drakkar Lake [DE] 0
EU Dzagonur [DE] 2
EU Elona Reach [DE] 3
EU Far Shiverpeaks 6
EU Fissure of Woe 0
EU Fort Ranik [FR] 0
EU Gandara 6
EU Gunnar's Hold 3
EU Jade Sea [FR] 0
EU Kodash [DE] 0
EU Miller's Sound 0
EU Piken Square 3
EU Ring of Fire 2
EU Riverside [DE] 0
EU Ruins of Surmia 2
EU Seafarer's Rest 5
EU Underworld 0
EU Vabbi 2
EU Vizunah Square [FR] 0
EU Whiteside Ridge 3