The White Wolves UK / Guild Profile

Guild Name The White Wolves UK
Guild Tag [TWW]
Last Updated 20th March, 2025
Server Whiteside Ridge
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location International
Discord N/A
Twitter @TheWhiteWolves
Voice Comms Mumble
Members 1-10
Guild Leader(s) Starr Gazer
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +1
Skill Level(s) LowMedium

General Guild Info

The White Wolves (named "The White Wolves UK" in GW2) is a friendly online community of avid gamers who have been playing a variety of MMORPG's over the years and like to hang out together to talk about games, life, the universe and everything.

Originally formed as a guild called 'The Knights of the White Wolves' in Ultima Online in 1999, the White Wolves moved on to Star Wars Galaxies in 2004 and since spread to other games. They are currently mainly active in The Secret World, Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Lord of the Rings Online, Age of Conan and now Guild Wars 2, but are prone to trying every new online and offline game in existence.