Rock, Paper, Signet / Guild Profile

Guild Name Rock, Paper, Signet
Guild Tag [RPS]
Last Updated 10th February, 2025
Server Gunnar's Hold
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English (Secondary: English)
Location International
Website N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) Tweetiti, Krathor, Saph, Laser Beahm
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingDungeonsDynamic EventsRaids

General Guild Info

Rock Paper Signet is a Pan-European collective of Beorn-a-likes, Gargantuan Kitties, Treebeard's lesser known cousins, Fleshy bipeds and animated Bobble-Heads who all worship at the altar of Horace, The Endless Bear. We spawned on Gunnar's Hold from day one of GW2's inception as an offshoot of the mighty games review site - Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Initially we had recruits from those already in Horace's embrace, but much like a Katamari, we've picked up welcome converts as we rolled along gaining mass, ready to become a new star. We do pretty much everything with excellent humour, awful jokes (see above and below), puns, innuendos and camaraderie.

We'll run levelling, JP, living story or exploration missions en masse with support from old hands to assist/lead any of our troops. Guild missions once a week.

We have a small but dedicated group of WvW'ers, already known equally at the front lines or in guerilla warfare who are looking to increase numbers for weekly raids. Dungeon and fractal groups both run regularly and are happy to initiate new-comers or push the difficulty level for those of a more focussed mind.

Fun for all the family you might say while living the motto of "Be excellent to one another".

Guild Wars 2 Info

Rock Paper Signet is a Pan-European collective of Beorn-a-likes, Gargantuan Kitties, Treebeard's lesser known cousins, Fleshy bipeds and animated Bobble-Heads who all worship at the altar of Horace, The Endless Bear. We spawned on Gunnar's Hold from day one of GW2's inception as an offshoot of the mighty games review site - Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Initially we had recruits from those already in Horace's embrace, but much like a Katamari, we've picked up welcome converts as we rolled along gaining mass, ready to become a new star. We do pretty much everything with excellent humour, awful jokes (see above and below), puns, innuendos and camaraderie.

We'll run levelling, JP, living story or exploration missions en masse with support from old hands to assist/lead any of our troops. Guild missions once a week.

We have a small but dedicated group of WvW'ers, already known equally at the front lines or in guerilla warfare who are looking to increase numbers for weekly raids. Dungeon and fractal groups both run regularly and are happy to initiate new-comers or push the difficulty level for those of a more focussed bent.

Fun for all the family you might say while living the motto of "Be excellent to one another".