Phantoms of the / Guild Profile

Guild Name Phantoms of the
Guild Tag [Mist]
Last Updated 15th February, 2025
Server Ehmry Bay
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location United States
Website N/A
Discord Private
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 151-300
Guild Leader(s) Nadya The Lost
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 16
Min. Time Investment 1 days/week, 1 hours/week
Timezone(s) GMT -8 through GMT -5
Skill Level(s) LowMedium
Activities SocialisingWorld vs WorldDungeonsDynamic Events

General Guild Info

Phantoms of the [Mist] / Return to Outpost [Doh]

Not much to say other than we're still here. [2024]

Guild Wars 2 Info

Just in case anyone still looks here? We're still alive and Recruiting (2024)

Casual still. We don't ask you to have to come along. You can though. Welcome to learn/try new things.

PvE: Still Playing across Core to Wilds
PvP: There is a small sub-set which desire to farm the Tournament Play and farm the seasons.
WvW: Flying Solo - Non-Alliance Guild
Fractals: Working our way back to T4

And here's some other benefits to membership:
