Obsessive Completion Disorder / Guild Profile

Guild Name Obsessive Completion Disorder
Guild Tag [OCD]
Last Updated 18th February, 2025
Server Tarnished Coast
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English (Secondary: many but primarily English.)
Location United States
Website http://ocdguild.tumblr.com/
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Mumble
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) brimick, count charrkilla
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT -5
Skill Level(s) LowMedium

General Guild Info

We are at full membership, but we are still looking for players that will be active on mumble and regularly participate in guild events (guild missions, dungeons, etc).

OCD is a VERY casual guild.  Don't be a jerk and you'll fit in just fine.

pvx, dungeons, wvw, pvp, guild missions, rp friendly, etc.

mail/whisp count charrkilla to request an invite.