Jade Reapers / Guild Profile

Guild Name Jade Reapers
Guild Tag [JD]
Last Updated 11th February, 2025
Server Aurora Glade
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvE
Language(s) English (Secondary: None)
Location Europe
Website N/A
Discord https://discord.gg/cPYTFXS
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) Evil Bruticus
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 12
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +1
Skill Level(s) MediumHigh
Activities SocialisingRoleplayingDungeonsDynamic EventsRaids

General Guild Info

Jade Reapers are an European international guild on Aurora Glade server. In Guild Wars 2 our focus is on creating a community that essentially welcomes everyone to it, Male, Female, Casual, Hardcore, new to the genre or an MMO Veteran.

We are doing  Fractal, World events, Meta's, Raids training, Daily Strike teams and Regular PVE Exploration/Questing.

We also tend to follow a tradition from GW1 wich is hosting in game events and giving out prizes to people who participate.

Current weekly events:

Guild events schedule: Sunday 7:30 pm GMT. 
Raid training: Saturday 7:30 pm GMT.

Currently  we are looking for active members who love to partecipate in any of the various segments of Guild Wars 2 gameplay. We have a stable core of Officers, Veterans, Commanders  who are very active and allways happy to help out other members and new members.

We use Discord as our VOIP Seen enough and want to join us?--> sigh up at https://discord.gg/cPYTFXS or contact Evil Bruticus ingame.

Find us now on Facebook! search for jade reapers and like us! 

Our home server is Aurora glade. 

Guild population at the moment : 300

Maxed out Guildhall, LvL 67 Lot of special and awesome decorations in our new guildhall!

Guild is 15 years old, still standing strong!

We are getting ready for the new expansion and we go back home to Cantha. Join us and explore this new world with us!