We Still Need Therapy / Guild Profile

Attention: This guild profile has not been updated in a long time and so may be inaccurate, or the guild may no longer exist.
Guild Name We Still Need Therapy
Guild Tag [NOW]
Last Updated 18th July, 2024
Server Stormbluff Isle
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location United States
Website https://westillneedtherapynow.wordpress.com/whoweare/
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 11-50
Guild Leader(s) Valkyrie Guhn
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT -10 through GMT +10
Skill Level(s) LowMedium
Activities SocialisingWorld vs WorldDungeonsRaids

General Guild Info

We’re mainly a PvE guild which has some members who participate in World vs World (WvW) and PvP.  There are members who have experience in other aspects of the game such as dungeons, Fractals of the Mist, mapping, jumping puzzles, running hero points (by request) on the Heart of Thorns maps, Path of Fire (includes Living Story 4) bounty board map runs, and Raids.

We have members who do Raids in our alliance guild TBR. We're working on a static group of members who are interested in Raids. We are looking for a members who are available on Friday, Saturday and Sundays due to our membership scattered throughout the world.

For more information about the guild please vist our website.

Guild Wars 2 Info

We are NOT a server specific guild nor do we require 100% guild representation. Members are scattered on various servers and are in multiple guilds. If you are looking to do WvW, we do have a main group that participates on Stormbluff Isles and a few people in other servers. Please visit our website for more information about our guild.