Order of Powers / Guild Profile

Attention: This guild profile has not been updated in a long time and so may be inaccurate, or the guild may no longer exist.
Guild Name Order of Powers
Guild Tag [OOP]
Last Updated 4th May, 2020
Server Seafarer's Rest
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location International
Website http://insinuationgaming.co.uk/
Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/z6H8Vq7
Twitter @insinuationg
Voice Comms Discord
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) Guitarburnsy
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT
Activities SocialisingWorld vs WorldDungeonsStructured PvPTournament PvPDynamic Events

General Guild Info

Order of Powers is recruiting fun and active members to join its ranks. PvX guild will 475+ members playing all aspects of the game, Daily activities and active buffs.


Monday: Guild Mission (Bounty & Puzzle)

Tuseday: WvW Raid

Wednesday: Guild Mission (Rush & Challenge)

Thursday: Activities with our Alliance Guild

Friday: Drinking Evening (Arah/FotM)


Everyone is free to play the game as they please and attend whichever events they are interested in. All we ask our emmebrs is for 100% representation and that everyone gets along with everyone.