Equinox Solstice / Guild Profile

Attention: This guild profile has not been updated in a long time and so may be inaccurate, or the guild may no longer exist.
Guild Name Equinox Solstice
Guild Tag [TIME]
Last Updated 6th June, 2015
Server Henge of Denravi
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvX
Language(s) English
Location International
Website http://www.gw2time.com
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms TeamSpeak
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) SkyShroud.2865
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +8
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingWorld vs WorldDungeonsStructured PvPDynamic Events

General Guild Info

Equinox Solstice [TIME] is a singapore-based international PvX guild which was initially formed with the primary purpose of longevity, aiming to be a guild that will last for years to come while maintaining its activeness and progressiveness. We'll always extend our hand of invitation to any and all fun-loving players who wish to game alongside friends, making it far more enjoyable.

Like any other proper guild, we are initially formed with trust at it's core. So, although we welcomed everyone, but if any of the "members" betray our trust, we will kick that member and blacklist that member from our guild. This also include members who left our guild, we will not allow anyone who has left our guild to return unless that member has left on good terms.

"Trust" is very important in our guild, we will not hesitant to eliminate anyone who attempt to threaten the "trust" among our members.

Our Views
We welcome all players of any characters and skills levels. We strongly believe that in an online gaming community, a good guild is one that does not discriminate against anyone regardless of religion or race, or the strength of your character. It is our hope to build a mature community where everyone will help each other, ignoring our differences in age, race, religion and culture.

We do not recruit players who are already in other guilds. We believe that this is a form of respect to other guilds and it is wrong to pull players from other guilds. We frown upon and will refuse to help any guilds who attempts to recruit our guild members.

Our Values
We believe these are the fundamental values of a guild which will create a strong, united and fun guild community.

A Guild, not a clique, not a hotel
[TIME] is a guild and we wanted to be treated as such. We are certainly not a clique, clique is unwelcoming by nature. We are also not a hotel, guild hoppers please seek elsewhere.

A clearer picture


100% Representation Rule
100% representation simply means to keep us represented.

The most popular belief that guilds enforce 100% representation rule is because of influence. However, [TIME] has more than 3 millions influence to date, we certainly do not lack influence. 100% representation is enforced because of the following reasons:

Exception to this rule:

Home Server
We currently only accept players from our home server, unless you have the intention to transfer in near future.

PvX player
We currently only accept PvX players, players who will not restrict themselves to any particular aspect of the game.

Whisper or mail SkyShroud.2865 if interested to join. Visit our guild site for more contacts.